April 29, 2024

New Release: Design to Flutter & Updated DevMode Panel

FUNCTION12 has created a new, innovative way to automatically analyze design files and remove its errors. Here are our latest technology releases:

  1. (New) Addition of Flutter

    • Flutter is now available in CodeGen.

    • When creating a project, input the Figma link and select Flutter to view and download Flutter code.

  2. (New) Panel Modes Added (Full, Half, DevMode, Code)

    • (New) Full Panel

      • DevMode Panel and Code Panel are displayed side by side on the right side of the screen.

      • View both code and Inspector of the selected object simultaneously.

    • (New) Half Panel

      • DevMode Panel and Code Panel are displayed vertically on the right side of the screen.

      • View both code and Inspector of the selected object simultaneously.

    • (New) DevMode Panel

      • DevMode Panel is displayed alone on the right side of the screen.

      • View Inspector of the selected object.

    • (New) Code Panel

      • Code Panel is displayed alone on the right side of the screen.

      • View code of the selected object.

Check out the newly updated features and performances with fn12.com now.

Last updated